Friday 10 April 2015

Reflection - The People of The Kattawapiskak River

         This film really got me thinking, there’s an entire culture in Canada that has close to third world living conditions. After watching “The People of the Kattawapiskak River” I felt like the Canadian government doesn’t care about all Canadians, primarily the Aboriginal community. They are forced to live in small, run down houses that have no running water or access to heating even when the weather gets up to -40°C in the winter time.

          The documentary did a great job of capturing the real lives of the people living in this poor town. The filmmaker used lots of raw footage that accurately showed the undesirable living conditions that the people residing in Kattawapiskak have to endure daily. It made me feel both sorry for the citizens of the town and slightly irritated at the fact that the Canadian Government has always cheated the Aboriginal community.

          During the film when the residents were showing the camera crew their homes and families, the filmmaker used some interviews with residents to try and get a clearer picture of the situation they’re in. By using these interviews, it became easier to understand the harsh conditions that the people living in Kattawapiskak have suffered through their whole lives.

          My final thought after watching this film: The government should give these poor reserves the funding they need to have basic necessities e.g. water heat etc.

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